Sunday, October 18, 2009

My First Post

Hey everybody! This is my first post so I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself. Well, my mom has a blog and I found it very interesting, and just yesterday, I thought, "Hey, why don't I make my own blog?" So I did.

The most interesting thing about me is that our family adopted from Ethiopia. She is the most amusing little 3 year-old I've ever met. I was born in Burbank and raised in Chino Hills, California but we moved here to Colorado just about 3 years ago. I'm in Middle School right now. It is the most interesting stage of school.

My hobbies are playing guitar, playing drums, and skateboarding. I have 2 guitars: electric and acoustic. I started to learn guitar when I was about 7 years old or so. I started to play drums about 2 years ago. And I've been skateboarding since I was about 5 or so. Out of the 3 things I do best, I think I love to skateboard the most. Right now, I'm really into music and cars. My dad's '97 Dodge Intrepid broke down about a half a year ago after about another half-year of problems with the car. So we just recently got a '99 Jaguar XK8 convertible. Some of my favorite bands are Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the disco, Weezer, and Foo Fighters.

Well, I guess that is it for my first post. Keep checking my blog, because I will be updating it everyday if I get the chance.